
The endpoints in this section provides information about the current state of the system.


Expose the results of internal dependencies health checks.

The endpoint always returns a 200 HTTP status code to indicate that the process itself is running, even if dependencies are degraded or have failed.

  "age_secs": 1,
  "results": {
    "coordination": {
      "status": "HEALTHY"
    "store-primary": {
      "status": "HEALTHY"
    "tasks-consumer": {
      "status": "HEALTHY"
    "tasks-producer": {
      "status": "HEALTHY"

Prometheus-style metrics exposition.

# HELP replicore_discovery_fetch_errors Number of errors during agent discovery
# TYPE replicore_discovery_fetch_errors counter
replicore_discovery_fetch_errors 2
# HELP replicore_discovery_loops Number of discovery runs started
# TYPE replicore_discovery_loops counter
replicore_discovery_loops 1

Reports the node’s identity as registered in the coordinator. The extra attributes are reported as specified in the node’s config file.

  "extra": {},
  "id": "4e7bff37f6b9e584dd213aadb33443f9"

Show a list of threads and what they are currently working on.

The list is not complete.
The information is obtained from application-level instrumentation and not from the OS layer. Threads that are created by external libraries used in the code will not register themselves into this instrumentation.

  "threads": [
      "activity": "(idle) waiting for the next healthchecks run",
      "name": "replicante:interface:healthchecks",
      "short_name": "r:i:healthchecks"
      "activity": "running HTTP server",
      "name": "replicore:interface:api",
      "short_name": "r:i:api"
      "activity": "(idle) election status: Primary",
      "name": "replicore:service:coordinator:zookeeper:cleaner",
      "short_name": "r:s:coordinator:zoo:c"
      "activity": "(idle) waiting for tasks to process",
      "name": "replicore:service:tasks:worker:0",
      "short_name": "r:s:tasks:worker:0"
      "activity": "(idle) waiting for tasks to process",
      "name": "replicore:service:tasks:worker:1",
      "short_name": "r:s:tasks:worker:1"
  "warning": [
    "This list is NOT provided from an OS-layer instrumentation.",
    "As such, some threads may not be reported in this list."

Return version information about the running code:

  • commit: the git commit the code was build from.
  • taint: indicates if the code was changed compared to the commit.
  • version: friendly semantic versioning string.
  "commit": "bbe5ddf4b62608974a35335014b854a650e72f7c",
  "taint": "working directory tainted",
  "version": "0.1.0"